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  • Writer's pictureCathy Gallagher

Thanks for responding to the centre of Peacehaven Masterplan survey

Thank you to all those who responded to the survey on the masterplan for the centre of Peacehaven the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group has had a fantastic response and will be collating everyone’s views after the closing date for comments on Sunday 31st January. If you haven’t filled the survey in yet you can still do so here.

There have already been many comments on Facebook and other platforms and a frequently asked questions document has been created which you can view here to respond to questions as they arise.

All the responses will be used to create a paper which will be used as an evidence document.

A pamphlet was delivered to every home in the plan area i.e. East Saltdean, Telscombe including Telscombe village and Peacehaven. Social media and websites were also used to promote the online survey. The pamphlet set out the background on the NDP and the concept possibility for land use on the Meridian Site.

We had planned a number of public events in 2020 to consult and make the community aware of the vision and aims of the NDP but of course these were overshadowed by COVID-19 regulations. However, on 11th February at 7pm we will be holding a public Zoom meeting, to enable any questions or comments to be addressed. Please contact Peacehaven Town Council if you wish to attend.

The Co-op Group own the majority of the land on the Meridian Site and they have appointed a preferred developer - Henry Davidson Developments Limited (HDD).

HDD will in due course be consulting on their plans and they will be responsible for an actual planning application.

If you wish to contact HDD directly to make your views known you can do here.

For more information about the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group see the website, Facebook and Twitter.

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