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  • Writer's pictureCathy Gallagher

Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan update

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

The ‘Vision’ for the Neighbourhood Development Plan is for Peacehaven and Telscombe Towns to be sustainable with clean air and in an environment which provides a good quality of life for all inhabitants.

The beginning of 2021 has been dominated by consideration of the Meridian Site which is to be redeveloped by its owners Co-op Property.

The consultants (AECOM) produced a concept Masterplan for the site which the Steering Group sought feedback on across the two towns.

From the survey results we learnt that there were concerns about the scale of housing for the site and the reduction in the retail offer. There was support for new streets and public squares. The full results can be found on the website.

The preferred developer Henry Davidson Developments (HDD) will be publishing the results of their pre-application survey. We understand they received some 1300 responses.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan is a document concerning land use, that means not only land allocation for housing but also protecting and maintaining Local Green Spaces and Pocket Parks, creating a Green Infrastructure Plan.

Working in co-operation with the two Town Councils, Peacehaven and Telscombe, the Steering Group is working on a number of projects and plans to benefit residents and the environment.

An incredible amount of professionally produced evidence reports have been produced and can be found in the documents site of the Steering Group website.

There is now a Communications Team and we will be producing more information for residents and we thank you all for your many comments which are all valued.

With continuing support from all the ‘Vision’ can be achieved.

Cathy Gallagher, Chair of Steering Group

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